- 【英文缩写】 C2B
- 【英文全称】 Customer to Business
- 【缩写分类】 电子电工
- 【中文意思】 Customer to Business
- CAC ConnectionAdmissionControl
- CAC ComputerAssistedComposition
- CAC ComputerAidedCreating
- CAC CallAdmissionControl
- CAAS Computer-AssistedAnimationSystem
- CAAD ComputerAidedArchitectureDesign
- CAA ComputerAssistedAnimation
- CA CongestionAvoidance
- CA CommunicationAutomation
- CA CollisionAvoidance
- C7 CCITTNo.7signaling
- C5(5C) Computer,Communication,Content,CustomerandControl
- C4I Command,Control,Communication,ComputerandIntelligence
- C3I Command,Control,CommunicationandIntelligence
- C3(3C) Computer,Communication,Control
- C/R Command/Response(bit)
- C/N Carrier-to-Noiseratio
- C/D Coder/Decoder
- C&C Computer&Communication
- BWU BandWidthUtilization
- BWT BothWayTrunk
- BWSC BroadbandWirelessServiceCenter
- BWR BandWidthRadio
- BWLL BroadbandWirelessLocalLoop
- BWDM BandpassWavelengthDivisionMultiplexer