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  • 英文缩写】 NFI
  • 英文全称】 The National Food Institute(Thailand)
  • 缩写分类机构组织
  • 中文意思】 国家食品研究所(泰国)
  • 缩写释义】 The National Food Institute (NFI) is a non-profit and independent network organization of the Ministry of Industry. It is tasked to support and foster development of the food industry to boost its competitiveness in the world markets. The institute carries out its mandates by providing relevant services to food industry. The National Food Institute (NFI) was established by the Thai Governemtn in October 15, 1996 to address barriers limiting the development of the food processing industry in Thailand, particularly barriers affecting its competitiveness in the world markets. Its goal is to promote and develoop the Thai Food Industry to enhance its efficiency and global competitiveness.





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