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  • 英文缩写】 HMIS
  • 英文全称】 Hazardous Materials Identification System
  • 缩写分类化学化工
  • 中文意思】 有害物质识别系统
  • 缩写释义】 The widespread use of chemicals and the need to protect employees from the hazards of those chemicals led OSHA to issue the first hazard communication standard (HCS) in 1983Central to the HCS is the belief that workers who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals have a right to know about the hazards and how to work safely with the materials. 由于化学材料的广泛使用,为了使员工不受有海物质的影响,美国职业安全与卫生条例管理局特颁布第一有害物质信息交流标准。该标准指出那些暴露在有害物质工作的员工不仅有权知道这些有害物,并知道如何在此环境下安全工作





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